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Organic Lawn Care Certifications & Associations

Original Publication Date:
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
NaturaLawn of America is proud to be a contributing author for the national textbook developed by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) entitled Integrated Pest Management for Turf and Ornamentals.
Greenscapes Alliance Partnership (affiliate program of the Environmental Protection Agency)
As a Greenscapes Alliance Partner with the EPA since 2006, NaturaLawn of America has been committed to helping reduce, reuse or recycle wastes and resources in the land management industry.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
NaturaLawn of America is a long-standing member and supporter of the Foundation's mission to reduce pollution and protect the Bay's watershed.
Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP)
Established in 1994, the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP) is an EPA partnership program that works with the nation's pesticide-user community to promote Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices. NaturaLawn of America has been a Silver Member of the program since 2004.
American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)
Customer relationships with veterinarians whose practices are AAHA accredited.
Green Hotels Association
"Green" Hotels are environmentally friendly properties whose managers are eager to institute programs to help protect the earth. NaturaLawn of America is an Ally Member listed as an approved vendor under the "GARDEN PRODUCTS, ORGANIC Beneficial Insects and Organisms" category.
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation runs the Water Quality Improvement Agreement Program for urban lawn care retailers, lawn care companies and others. Since 1996, NaturaLawn of America has been recognized by the agency for their offering of environmentally responsible products and services. Voluntary participation in the program leads to reduced nutrient loss to Virginia's ground and surface waters, including the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
Maryland Pesticide Network
NaturaLawn of America has donated products and/or services to assist the Maryland Pesticide Network and the State of Maryland in helping to launch its "Landscaping Smarter" website, which promotes and explains this model initiative around the Maryland State House grounds in Annapolis advocating Bay-friendly lawn care that is pesticide-free.
Green Gazelle Project
NaturaLawn of America was featured as a "Green Gazelle" case study for the Washington, DC-based Small Businesses and the Environment group. To be considered for the study, the company had to be a "high growth" or "high expectation" business, that is, pursuing (or is interested in pursuing) high-growth entrepreneurship such as 20 or more employees (or expectation of 20 or more employees) within five years and "gazelle" sales revenue growth of 20+% per year for four years.
The Aleethia Foundation
NaturaLawn of America is a proud sponsor of the Aleethia Foundation. The mission of the Foundation is to support newly injured service members with short-term therapeutic recreation, small financial grants, family emergency aid, assistive technology items, home improvements to assist with an injured service member's mobility, and other unmet needs.

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