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NaturaLawn® of America, Inc. The Leader In Organic-Based Lawn Care®
Lawn Disease Treatment

Combatting Necrotic Ring Spot in Colorado: Your Essential Guide

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Colorado's stunning landscapes are characterized by majestic mountains, serene rivers, and beautiful, lush lawns that homeowners take immense pride in. But lurking beneath the surface, a nemesis threatens this green perfection: Necrotic Ring Spot (NRS).

Especially active between May and mid-October, this disease doesn't just mar the beauty of your lawn but can signify deeper turf health issues. With a distinct emphasis on Colorado's unique climate and turf types, this guide is tailored to empower homeowners in the Centennial State.

Dive deep into understanding NRS, its symptoms, and the robust solutions NaturaLawn® of America offers to reclaim and protect your verdant haven.

Unraveling the Mystery: What is Necrotic Ring Spot?

Necrotic Ring Spot is more than just a bane to lawns; it reflects underlying grass health challenges. Often considered a relentless enemy to cool-season turfgrasses, its presence can swiftly turn a thriving lawn into a patchy, discolored landscape, especially during its active months from May to mid-October.

Grasses at Risk

Predominantly, this disease gravely threatens Kentucky Bluegrass, a popular choice among Colorado homeowners for its resilience and beauty.

However, other grass varieties like Bentgrass, annual and rough Bluegrasses, and Fine Fescues have recently fallen prey to NRS.

Recognizing its symptoms becomes crucial for early intervention, particularly for those committed to maintaining pristine lawns.

Necrotic Ring Spot Symptoms

  • Initial Manifestation: At its onset, Necrotic Ring Spot showcases tiny, light green patches, generally 2 to 4 inches in diameter. If left unchecked, these seemingly harmless spots can exponentially grow, sometimes engulfing areas over 3 feet in diameter.
  • Characteristic Rings: As the disease progresses, lawns depict circular patches, more pronounced when the grass undergoes stress, a common occurrence during Colorado's dry spells.
  • The Color Shift: The affected grass transforms color, transitioning from a reddish-brown hue to a bronzed shade and ultimately settling into a light straw color, signaling advanced disease stages.
  • Depressions in the Lawn: In its advanced stages, entire grass sections might succumb, creating hollow or crater-like depressions, making lawns uneven and aesthetically unpleasing.

By understanding and recognizing these signs, homeowners can take proactive steps, ensuring that the disease doesn't gain a stronghold, especially during the vulnerable summer months in Colorado when lawns are under maximum stress.

Contact NaturaLawn today to learn how our necrotic ring spot treatments can help you combat this pesky lawn disease.

The Colorado Nexus: Why Necrotic Ring Spot Flourishes Here

Colorado, with its breathtaking vistas and diverse landscapes, is undeniably captivating. However, the state's distinct climatic features and soil profile have inadvertently made it a hotspot for Necrotic Ring Spot activity.

Let's delve into why this disease finds the Centennial State so inviting.

Climate Specifics

Colorado experiences a semi-arid climate. Warm summers and relatively cool but dry winters can place lawns under prolonged stress. Stress, in turn, makes turf more susceptible to diseases, including Necrotic Ring Spot.

Soil Composition

Many regions in Colorado feature clayey soil. While clay soil can retain moisture, it can also lead to compaction, restricting root growth and reducing the grass's ability to absorb essential nutrients. This limited nutrient uptake can weaken the lawn, making it an easier target for diseases.

Watering Patterns

The sporadic rainfall in Colorado often compels homeowners to rely on irrigation. However, inconsistent or over-watering can create an environment conducive to fungal diseases. NRS thrives in moist conditions, especially when water remains stagnant due to compacted soil.

Popular Grass Types

Kentucky Bluegrass is a favorite among Colorado homeowners for its resilience to colder temperatures. However, it's also one of the primary grasses vulnerable to NRS, making many Colorado lawns susceptible to outbreaks.

Disease Memory

Necrotic Ring Spot is a soil-borne fungus. Once a lawn is infected, the fungus can remain in the soil, waiting for optimal conditions to strike again. This 'disease memory' means that lawns can experience recurrent outbreaks once affected if not treated appropriately.

Understanding these unique challenges specific to Colorado gives homeowners a clearer picture of what they're up against. They can take tailored measures to protect their lawns and curb the spread of NRS by being informed.

Charting the Path to Recovery: Effective Treatments for Necrotic Ring Spot

Combating Necrotic Ring Spot isn't merely about addressing the visible symptoms; it's about understanding the disease's lifecycle and adopting a strategic approach.

Tailored treatments are paramount, especially in Colorado, where conditions can be particularly conducive to the disease's spread.

Let's explore the most effective methods to send NRS packing.

Deep Root Aeration

Compact soil can significantly contribute to the spread of NRS. Aeration involves perforating the soil for better air circulation, water infiltration, and nutrient absorption.

For Colorado lawns, deep root aeration can be particularly beneficial, alleviating compaction and enhancing grass health.

Balanced Fertilization

Boosting your lawn's health with the right nutrients can make it more disease-resistant. Opt for slow-release fertilizers that provide consistent nutrition. Ensure they're balanced, as an excess of nitrogen, commonly found in many fertilizers, can aggravate NRS.

Proper Watering Techniques

Overwatering or inconsistent watering can create an environment where NRS flourishes. Adopt a consistent watering schedule, preferably during the early morning hours, to reduce the chance of waterlogged soil, ensuring the grass has ample time to dry reducing fungal growth.

Disease-resistant Grass Varieties

Consider integrating disease-resistant grass varieties into your lawn, especially if you've had prior NRS outbreaks. These varieties can coexist with your current grass, offering a natural form of protection.


For severe infestations, fungicides can be a viable solution. However, they should be used judiciously and as a part of an integrated approach, combining cultural and chemical methods. Always consult with lawn care professionals before application.

Routine Monitoring

Stay vigilant. Regularly inspect your lawn for the early signs of NRS, especially during its peak months. Early detection can simplify treatment and reduce the disease's overall impact.

Battling Necrotic Ring Spot can feel overwhelming, especially when navigating the myriad of treatments available.

Let NaturaLawn® of America guide you with our expertise tailored to Colorado's unique challenges. Contact us for a specialized NRS treatment plan and reclaim your lawn's beauty!

NaturaLawn's Distinct Approach: Tailored Solutions for Necrotic Ring Spot in Colorado

A one-size-fits-all solution is rarely effective in lawn care. Different terrains, climates, and lawn varieties all play into homeowners' unique challenges.

For Colorado residents battling Necrotic Ring Spot, understanding these nuances is paramount. And this is where NaturaLawn® of America stands out.

Comprehensive Understanding

We recognize that Necrotic Ring Spot is more than a surface-level issue. Its roots lie deep in the soil, interwoven with the unique environmental characteristics of Colorado.

By understanding these intricacies, we craft treatments beyond symptom relief, targeting the core of the problem.

Tailored Treatment Plans

Given Colorado's diverse range of conditions, from its arid plains to its snowy peaks, NaturaLawn creates tailored plans.

Our strategies cater to specific grass varieties, local weather patterns, and soil types, ensuring your lawn gets the best care possible.

Organic & Sustainable Solutions

At NaturaLawn, our commitment is twofold: delivering vibrant lawns and ensuring a minimal environmental footprint.

Our treatments for Necrotic Ring Spot prioritize organic and sustainable solutions, nurturing the soil and the broader ecosystem.

Expertise & Experience

With years of hands-on experience treating lawns across Colorado, our team has the knowledge and the tools to tackle Necrotic Ring Spot head-on.

Our methods are tried and tested, ensuring optimal results for your lawn.

Ongoing Support

The fight against Necrotic Ring Spot doesn't end with a single treatment. It's an ongoing process of care, monitoring, and, when necessary, intervention.

NaturaLawn provides continuous support, ensuring your lawn remains healthy and NRS-free season after season.

Your lawn deserves the best, and with challenges like Necrotic Ring Spot, it's essential to have a trusted partner by your side. Choose NaturaLawn® of America for specialized care tailored to Colorado's unique challenges.

Contact us today, and let's craft the perfect plan to rejuvenate your lawn!

Protective Measures: Preempting Necrotic Ring Spot in Colorado Lawns

While treatments can address existing outbreaks of Necrotic Ring Spot, prevention remains the most effective strategy.

Ensuring that your lawn is less susceptible to this disease in the first place not only saves time and resources but also ensures a healthier, more vibrant turf.

Let's delve into practices that can fortify Colorado lawns against NRS.

Regular Soil Testing

Understanding your soil's pH, nutrient levels, and compaction rate can offer insights into potential vulnerabilities. Regular soil tests help homeowners decide whether to choose the right fertilizer or when to aerate.

Resistant Grass Varieties

Consider planting or overseeding with grass varieties known for their resistance to Necrotic Ring Spot. Combining them with your existing lawn can provide a natural barrier against potential outbreaks.

Optimal Mowing Practices

A mowed lawn isn't just about aesthetics. Keeping grass at an optimal height (typically 2.5 to 3 inches for most varieties in Colorado) ensures healthier grass that's more disease-resistant.

Additionally, using sharp mower blades prevents tearing, making the grass more susceptible to infections.

Deep Watering

Instead of frequent, shallow watering, opt for deep watering with less frequent irrigation. This encourages roots to grow deeper, making grass resilient against drought, stress, and diseases.

Organic Matter Enrichment

Regularly adding organic matter, like compost, to the soil improves its structure, nutrient content, and microbial activity. This enriched soil environment is less conducive to diseases like NRS.

Stay Informed

Knowledge is power. Keeping abreast of local lawn disease alerts or community updates can provide a heads-up if Necrotic Ring Spot becomes particularly prevalent in a given season or region in Colorado.

Prevention is the cornerstone of a vibrant lawn. Equip yourself with the right strategies and partner with experts who understand Colorado's unique challenges.

For a proactive approach to lawn health, contact NaturaLawn® of America and let's work together to ensure your lawn remains a lush haven, free from the grip of Necrotic Ring Spot.

Beyond Necrotic Ring Spot: Nurturing Holistic Lawn Health in Colorado

While Necrotic Ring Spot might be a formidable adversary, it's essential to remember that a lawn's health encompasses more than just disease prevention.

Colorado's unique climate and topography presents challenges and opportunities for homeowners passionate about their lawns.

Let's explore ways to cultivate a thriving, resilient landscape in the Centennial State.

Adapting to Colorado's Climate

The state's semi-arid conditions mean moisture conservation is crucial. Opt for drought-resistant grass varieties and employ water-saving techniques such as harvesting rainwater and mulch to reduce evaporation.

Soil Enrichment

Colorado's diverse soil types require specific care, from sandy loams to clay-rich compositions. Regularly enriching the soil with organic compost and practicing crop rotation (even in a garden setting) can enhance soil health, promoting stronger grass growth.

Embracing Native Plants

Incorporate native Colorado plants into your landscaping. These plants are naturally adapted to the local climate and soil, requiring less maintenance and water, and they offer the added benefit of attracting local wildlife and beneficial insects.

Seasonal Care

Each season presents its set of challenges and tasks. From aerating in the spring, watering and mowing in the summer, to fertilizing and prepping for winter, staying attuned to the lawn's seasonal needs ensures year-round vibrancy.

Continuous Learning

Join local gardening clubs, attend workshops, or engage in online communities. Colorado has a vibrant community of gardening enthusiasts, and sharing experiences and knowledge can offer fresh insights and solutions to common lawn challenges.

Every lawn tells a story, a testament to the dedication and love homeowners pour into it.

At NaturaLawn® of America, we're here to be part of your lawn's journey, offering expertise tailored to Colorado's unique environment.

Whether you're combatting Necrotic Ring Spot or aiming for the lushest lawn in the neighborhood, reach out to us.

Let's write a vibrant green chapter for your outdoor haven together!

Written by John Steiner — Regional Manager of NaturaLawn of America

John Steiner has been with NaturaLawn of America since 1999 as a Regional Manager. He is a licensed, seasoned lawn care professional with over 38 years of experience in the Green Industry. In addition, John has opened franchise locations throughout the United States. John has conducted business development and technical training for NaturaLawn of America and other lawn care operations. He holds certification in Managing the Training Function, Instructional Design as well as Creative Training Techniques.