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Natural Mosquito Repellents (Video)

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If you're planning an outdoor event or activity, make sure you don't overlook one important detail - bugs. More specifically, one of the most dangerous bugs of all, the mosquito.

What if there was a way to reduce the mosquito population in your backyard naturally and effectively? Would you try it, especially if it is pet-safe and child-friendly? Consider a natural mosquito repellent for your yard. Here are 6 simple ways to naturally repel mosquitoes.

6 Ways to Naturally Control Mosquitoes in Your Yard

1. Remove Excess Vegetation

Most adult mosquitoes hide in dense vegetation during the day waiting for nightfall to feed on unsuspecting victims. Reduce any excess vegetation in your yard and thin out any dense bushes or trees

2. Reduce Standing Water

Mosquitoes can breed in small amounts of water in as little as five days. Take a walk through your yard and dump out or change any standing water. Typical mosquito-spawning rain collectors are gutters, flower pots, canoes, tires, toys, drainage pipes and bird baths.

3. Stock Ponds or Marshes

You will find the majority of mosquitoes around ponds or marshes. Luckily, there are ways to reduce this mosquito population:

  • Stock the pond with gambusia, a.k.a. the mosquito fish, or other mosquito eating fish.
  • Be sure your landscaping is frog-friendly. Frogs are stealth predators.
  • Decrease separated areas of water (such as sunken flower pots), shallow portions of water, and floating or overhanging plants. These are all areas where mosquito larvae hide from predators.

4. Attract Mosquito Eating Animals

Attract birds, bats, or other mosquito killers to your yard by building habitats for them. These animals won't drastically reduce the amount of mosquitoes in your yard on their own; they work best when used in combination with other preventative measures.

5.Garden Plants That Repel Mosquitos

Planting citronella grass, basil, catnip or lavender will help to keep mosquitoes away. Most mosquito repellent plants give off an odor which the mosquitoes (and other insects) find offensive. Use this guide on mosquito repellent plants to find the proper mix of plants to fit your needs.

6. Watch What You Wear

Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colored clothing, so wear light colored clothes when possible. In addition, try to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants as often as possible to reduce the amount of exposed skin where a mosquito could bite.

Choose The Best Mosquito Repellent For Your Yard - Pet Safe

If our 6 ways to naturally repel mosquitoes don’t do the job on their own, we do have mosquito-repellent sprays that don’t involve harsh chemicals. Try Natural Alternative's 100% Organic Mosquito, Tick & Flea Control for your yard, and Natural Alternative's 100% Organic Mosquito Repellent Body Spray.

Homemade Mosquito Spray for Your Yard

You can also try making a homemade mosquito repellent. Get a spray bottle, fill it with water, and add a few drops of essential oil. Essential oils like lavender, lemon, and peppermint will naturally repel mosquitoes.

Natural Yard Mosquito Repellent

If these tactics aren't enough to eradicate the mosquito population in your yard, it may be time to call in a local mosquito control company such as Mosquito Ranger®. Mosquito Ranger® uses a combination of ingredients including plant extracts, natural botanical oils and biorational products to reduce and repel mosquitoes and other nuisance insects. Mosquito treatments are applied to high traffic areas around the perimeter of your home.

For more mosquito prevention tips, please contact the lawn care experts at NaturaLawn of America today.

image of mosquito - how to keep mosquitos away

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