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Top 10 Edible Yard Weeds

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Weeds have such a bad reputation that we decided to take some time to shine a positive light on these outcasts. You see, there are many weeds living in your yard that are actually very beneficial to your health and your wallet. So before you go destroying all the weeds in your backyard, consider a culinary approach.

DandelionThe dreaded dandelion is one of the most versatile weeds in your lawn. They can be brewed into wine, the leaves used in salads and the flowers eaten raw. Imagine uncorking your own vintage dandelion wine at your next garden party.
Dandelion, edible yard weed
Japanese KnotweedHarvest the young red and green shoots before they grow beyond 6 inches. Remove any tough leaves or rind, then steam or simmer for a rhubarb-like taste.
Japanese Knotweed, edible yard weed
PlantainNot to be confused with the tropical fruit, the plantain’s broad leaves can be used in salads when young or sautéed as they get older. Plantain seeds can be eaten raw or roasted.
Plantain, edible yard weed
Creeping CharlieRich in Vitamin C, the young leaves can be eaten raw like spinach. We’ve even heard rumors of Creeping Charlie being brewed as a tea or used as an additive to beer!
Creeping Charlie, edible yard weed
PurslaneDubbed the healthy weed, purslane contains antioxidants, vitamins A and C and omega-3 fatty acids. Use the leaves and stems in recipes calling for spinach such as salads, sandwiches and quiches.
Purslane, edible yard weed
WatercressWatercress grows on almost any riverbank or stream and is another leafy spinach substitute. Pick watercress in the spring before it becomes bitter, wilt it, then add some bacon and balsamic vinegar.
Watercress, edible yard weed
Lamb's QuartersLoaded with vitamins A and C, calcium and protein, this leafy weed is commonly referred to as ‘wild spinach’. Sauté the washed leaves in olive oil with some salt, pepper and garlic for an easy side dish.
Lamb’s Quarters, edible yard weed
BambooWhile not a common weed, bamboo is very invasive, grows like a weed (pun intended) and is hard to control (all the attributes of weed behavior), earning it a spot on our list. Bamboo shoots taste like corn and are full of fiber. Ensure that you boil bamboo properly as some species contain cyanogen, which can be very toxic.
Bamboo, edible yard weed
KudzuThe most invasive weed in the southern United States is also an edible plant. Kudzu leaves can be brewed into a tea which can allegedly help soothe colds, fevers, digestive issues and even allergies.
Kudzu, edible yard weed
ChicoryChicory roots are a perfect additive to coffee (or even coffee substitute), helping you extend your supply or lower your caffeine intake. Aside from roasting the root, you can use young chicory leaves or flowers in salads.
Chicory, edible yard weed

Harvesting wild plants and weeds can be dangerous if you incorrectly identify them or if they grow near a contaminated water source. If you aren’t sure, leave it alone—eating a weed is certainly not worth risking your health.

The next time you curse the weeds, though, think about the tasty possibilities instead. You might just be able to see your lawn as ripe with wild greens and wild edibles ready to be made into dandelion wine or a coffee substitute, or even a nice stir fry. Of course, if you want to control weeds instead, contact your local NaturaLawn® of America franchise here for a healthier approach to weed control.

Written by John Steiner — Regional Manager of NaturaLawn of America

John Steiner has been with NaturaLawn of America since 1999 as a Regional Manager. He is a licensed, seasoned lawn care professional with over 38 years of experience in the Green Industry. In addition, John has opened franchise locations throughout the United States. John has conducted business development and technical training for NaturaLawn of America and other lawn care operations. He holds certification in Managing the Training Function, Instructional Design as well as Creative Training Techniques. 

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