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January Lawn & Garden Checklist

January Lawn & Garden Checklist


Winter Lawn Care Tips and Gardening Advice

Taking care of your lawn or garden is sometimes put aside during the winter months. While it may not seem like there’s anything to do, January is actually a great time to take advantage of these checklist items. Doing some simple winter lawn care and maintenance can put you on track for a robust growing season.

Preparing Your Garden in Winter

  • Fill empty garden spaces with garden accessories such as statues, lighting, or bird attractions.
  • Till an organic fertilizer with corn gluten into garden beds to add nutrients and reduce weeds in the spring.
  • Begin planning your garden for the spring. Search online for garden plans such as a mosquito repellent container garden plan.
  • Visit your local independent garden center for winter sales and great deals on out-of-season stock.
  • Till garden beds to kill any grub larvae.

Winter Lawn Care

  • Rake any leaves on your lawn before heavy snowfall comes down (if it hasn’t already). Read about the pros and cons of raking vs. mulching leaves.

How To Care for Indoor Plants During Winter

  • Create an indoor herb garden with a simple basket.
  • Feed houseplants an organic plant food.
  • Re-pot houseplants that have outgrown their pots.

Winter Considerations for Flowers & Bulbs

Planning for Vegetables & Fruits in Winter

  • Begin planting early crops. This includes broccoli, spinach, onions, leeks, and cauliflower.

Maintenance & Other Ideas for Winter

  • Stock up on snow supplies for winter such as ice melt, propane, gas, and emergency food and water.
  • Perform any needed maintenance on lawn and garden tools. Replace any necessary tools.
  • Fill and rotate bird feeders to avoid mold.
  • Check down spouts to avoid clogging and subsequent freezing.
  • Perform a soil test if your soil isn’t frozen.
  • Wash exterior windows on your house while the bushes are pruned back.

Additional Lawn Care Tips

We specialize in organic-based lawn care at NaturaLawn of America. Our mission is to deliver natural, effective lawn care and to provide education so that people can implement eco-friendly lawn care practices that reduce the amount of harsh chemicals released into the environment. For more tips on how to make your yard greener (and to do your part for the planet), check out these articles:

See all of our lawn care tips here.

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